Finding the shortest path – A * pathfinding
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1. Finding the shortest path - A * pathfinding
Two months ago I posted some interesting stuff I found: Shortest path. Let me explain, someone created a workbook that calculated the shortest path between a start cell and an end cell in a maze, and it did that using only formulas. Pretty amazing. The formulas were made from Dijkstra's Algorithm. I tried to create a larger maze but the workbook grew too large.
I then found the A * pathfinding algorithm and it is a lot easier for the computer to calculate. There is a great explanation of the A * pathfinding algorithm here: Introduction to A* Pathfinding.
Basically, there is an open list, a closed list and a final path. The open list contains cells that are being considered to find the final path. The closed list contains cells that we don't need to consider again.
They all contain coordinates or cells based on criteria. The criteria are:
- The distance to the END cell. (The distance to the END cell is calculated with the Manhattan distance method.
- The distance traveled from the start cell.
If the END cell is added to the open list, the closed list is finished calculating. Now it is time to find the final path. The final path is also found using the Manhattan distance method but it can only travel on cells in the closed list.
Here is an animated picture, it shows you how the macro works, simplified.
- The blue cell is the start cell
- The red cell is the end cell
- Gray cells are cells in the closed list.
- Green cells are the final path.
- Black cells are walls.
Here is a slightly more advanced "map".
This is a maze. I have removed the closed list cells to make the macro quicker.
VBA Code
'Name macro Sub FindShortestPath1() 'Disable screen refresh Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Dimension variables and their data types Dim G() As Variant Dim H() As Variant Dim N() As Variant Dim OL() As Variant Dim CL() As Variant Dim S() As Variant Dim E() As Variant Dim W() As Variant Dim Gv() As Variant Dim i As Single 'Redimension variables ReDim S(0 To 1) ReDim E(0 To 1) ReDim W(0 To 3, 0 To 1) ReDim OL(0 To 1, 0) ReDim CL(0 To 1, 0) ReDim Gv(0 To 3) 'Save values in cell range specified in named range "Area" to variable Rng Rng = Range("Area").Value 'Save the upper limit of rows from Rng variable to variable a a = UBound(Rng, 1) - 1 'Save the upper limit of columns from Rng variable to variable a b = UBound(Rng, 2) - 1 'Redimension variables G, H and N based on variable a and b ReDim G(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim H(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim N(0 To a, 0 To b) 'For ... next loop from 1 to the number of rows in Rng variable For R = 1 To UBound(Rng, 1) 'For ... next loop from 1 to the number of columns in Rng variable For C = 1 To UBound(Rng, 2) 'Check if cell Rng(r, C) is equal to "S" (start point) If Rng(R, C) = "S" Then 'Save number in variable R - 1 to variable S position 0 (zero) S(0) = R - 1 'Save number in variable C - 1 to variable S position 1 S(1) = C - 1 End If 'Check if cell Rng(r, C) is equal to "E" (end point) If Rng(R, C) = "E" Then E(0) = R - 1 E(1) = C - 1 End If 'Check if S(0) is not equal to "" and E(0) is not equal to "" If S(0) <> "" And E(0) <> "" Then Exit For Next C Next R 'Save number stored in S(0) to array variable CL (closed list) position 0,0 CL(0, 0) = S(0) 'row 'Save number stored in S(1) to array variable CL (closed list) position 1,0 CL(1, 0) = S(1) 'column 'Save -1 to array variable W position 0,0 W(0, 0) = -1 'Save 1 to array variable W position 1,0 W(1, 0) = 1 'Save 0 to array variable W position 2,0 W(2, 0) = 0 'Save 0 to array variable W position 3,0 W(3, 0) = 0 'Save 0 to array variable W position 0,1 W(0, 1) = 0 'Save 0 to array variable W position 1,1 W(1, 1) = 0 'Save -1 to array variable W position 2,1 W(2, 1) = -1 'Save 1 to array variable W position 3,1 W(3, 1) = 1 'Save boolean value False to variable Echk Echk = False 'Keep iterating until Echk is True Do Until Echk = True 'For ... next statement For i = 0 To UBound(CL, 2) 'For ... next statement For j = 0 To 3 'Save boolean value False to variable Echk chk = False 'Add number in CL position 0, i and W position j, 0 and save total to tr tr = CL(0, i) + W(j, 0) 'Add number in CL and W and save total to tc tc = CL(1, i) + W(j, 1) If tr < 0 Or tc < 0 Or tr > UBound(Rng, 1) Or tc > UBound(Rng, 2) Then chk = True Else For k = UBound(CL, 2) To 0 Step -1 If tr = CL(0, k) And tc = CL(1, k) Then chk = True Exit For End If Next k If Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = 1 Then chk = True For k = UBound(OL, 2) To 0 Step -1 If tr = OL(0, k) And tc = OL(1, k) Then chk = True If G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 < G(tr, tc) Then G(tr, tc) = G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 H(tr, tc) = Abs(tr - E(0)) + Abs(tc - E(1)) N(tr, tc) = G(tr, tc) + H(tr, tc) End If Exit For End If Next k If chk = False Then OL(0, UBound(OL, 2)) = tr OL(1, UBound(OL, 2)) = tc ReDim Preserve OL(UBound(OL, 1), UBound(OL, 2) + 1) G(tr, tc) = G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 H(tr, tc) = Abs(tr - E(0)) + Abs(tc - E(1)) N(tr, tc) = G(tr, tc) + H(tr, tc) If Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "E" Then Echk = True End If End If Next j Next i If Echk <> True Then For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If OL(0, i) <> "" Then Nchk = N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) Exit For End If Next i For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If OL(1, i) <> "" Then If N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) < Nchk And N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) <> "" Then Nchk = N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) End If End If Next i For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If OL(0, i) <> "" Then If N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) = Nchk Then ReDim Preserve CL(UBound(CL, 1), UBound(CL, 2) + 1) CL(0, UBound(CL, 2)) = OL(0, i) OL(0, i) = "" CL(1, UBound(CL, 2)) = OL(1, i) OL(1, i) = "" End If End If Next i End If Loop tr = E(0) tc = E(1) Schk = False Do Until Schk = True For i = UBound(CL, 2) To 0 Step -1 If CL(0, i) = (tr + 1) And CL(1, i) = tc _ And (Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) <> "1") _ Then Gv(0) = G(tr + 1, tc) If CL(0, i) = tr And CL(1, i) = (tc + 1) _ And (Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) <> "1") _ Then Gv(1) = G(tr, tc + 1) If CL(0, i) = (tr - 1) And CL(1, i) = tc _ And (Rng(tr, tc + 1) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr, tc + 1) <> "1") _ Then Gv(2) = G(tr - 1, tc) If CL(0, i) = tr And CL(1, i) = (tc - 1) _ And (Rng(tr + 1, tc) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 1, tc) <> "1") _ Then Gv(3) = G(tr, tc - 1) For j = 0 To 3 If Gv(j) <> "" Then Nf = Gv(j) Next j For j = 0 To 3 If Gv(j) < Nf And Gv(j) <> "" Then Nf = Gv(j) Next j Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True Select Case Nf Case Gv(0) tr = tr + 1 Range("Area").Cells(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(1) tc = tc + 1 Range("Area").Cells(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(2) tr = tr - 1 Range("Area").Cells(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(3) tc = tc - 1 Range("Area").Cells(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" End Select If Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr, tc + 1) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr + 1, tc) = "S" Then Schk = True Loop Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
2. Optimize pick path in a warehouse
As you probably already are aware of I have shown you earlier a vba macro I made that finds the shortest path between two points. There are obstacles between these two points to make it more difficult.
The problem with that macro is that it could only show a path that moves up, down, left or right. So I had to change it so it can move in eight directions.
Instead of using 6 movements it now uses 3 movements, it can now go diagonal from A to B. This is more realistic, of course.
Calculating all possible paths between 15 locations
The following animated picture shows you 9600 storage locations, named item 1 to 9600. Each black dot is a storage location in this warehouse.
There is a start point almost at the top of this picture. I have chosen 14 random locations and the macro shows the shortest path and calculates the distance in the table at the bottom of this picture.
Find the shortest pick path
Now that we have all distances between 15 locations we can use the Excel Solver to find the shortest path. First we need to setup a sheet.
Formula in cell C4:
=INDEX(Items!$H$4:$H$17, MATCH('Optimize total path'!B4, Items!$G$4:$G$17, 0))
Formula in cell D4:
=INDEX(Paths!$C$3:$Q$17, MATCH('Optimize total path'!C3, Paths!$B$3:$B$17, 0), MATCH('Optimize total path'!C4, Paths!$C$2:$Q$2, 0))
Formula in cell D19:
Now it is time for the excel solver to find the optimal path. If you need more detailed instructions, check out this page: Travelling Salesman Problem in Excel Solver
After a few minutes this sequence is shown with the shortest total distance.
Optimal path
Here is the shortest path. It begins with the start point almost at the top and goes through all 14 storage locations and then back to start point.
Read more interesting posts:
- A quicker A * pathfinding algorithm
- Finding the shortest path – A * pathfinding
- Build a maze
- Solve a maze
- Identify numbers in sum using solver
- Excel udf: Find numbers in sum
Get excel *.xlsm file
3. A quicker A * pathfinding algorithm
3 weeks ago I showed you a A* pathfinding algorithm. It was extremely slow and sluggish and I have now made it smaller and faster, much faster.
Here is an animated gif showing you a grid 255 * 255 cells. The blue cell is the start cell and it is located almost at the top center. The red cell is the end cell and it is in the middle of the maze. I have walls in this grid, if a cell contains value 1 it is colored black with conditional formatting.
The animation shows me deleting walls and the subroutine finds a new shorter path, highlighted green.
An Event procedure removes the old path and calculates the new path if a cell is changed on this sheet. If you want to remove the even procedure, press with right mouse button on on sheet1. Press with left mouse button on "View Code..". Comment line 3:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = False 'Call FindShortestPath1 Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
You can start the path optimization manually by press with left mouse button oning the button "Find shortest path".
Button "ClearW" clears the path.
Button "Clear grid" clears everything, start and end point, walls and path.
VBA code
Sub FindShortestPath1() 'This macro shows only the final path 'The defined named range "Area" tells this mcro which cell range to use Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim G() As Variant Dim H() As Variant Dim N() As Variant Dim O() As Variant Dim C() As Variant Dim OL() As Variant Dim CL() As Variant Dim S() As Variant Dim E() As Variant Dim W() As Variant Dim Gv() As Variant Dim i As Single ReDim S(0 To 1) ReDim E(0 To 1) ReDim W(0 To 3, 0 To 1) ReDim OL(0 To 1, 0) ReDim CL(0 To 1, 0) ReDim Gv(0 To 3) Call ClearW Rng = Range("Area").Value a = UBound(Rng, 1) - 1 b = UBound(Rng, 2) - 1 ReDim G(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim H(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim N(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim O(0 To a, 0 To b) ReDim C(0 To a, 0 To b) 'Find start and end coordinates in cell range For Ri = 1 To UBound(Rng, 1) For Ci = 1 To UBound(Rng, 2) If Rng(Ri, Ci) = "S" Then S(0) = Ri - 1 S(1) = Ci - 1 End If If Rng(Ri, Ci) = "E" Then E(0) = Ri - 1 E(1) = Ci - 1 End If If S(0) <> "" And E(0) <> "" Then Exit For Next Ci Next Ri 'Add S to closed list CL(0, 0) = S(0) 'row CL(1, 0) = S(1) 'column 'Add values to closed list W(0, 0) = -1 W(1, 0) = 1 W(2, 0) = 0 W(3, 0) = 0 W(0, 1) = 0 W(1, 1) = 0 W(2, 1) = -1 W(3, 1) = 1 Echk = False Do Until Echk = True For i = 0 To UBound(CL, 2) For j = 0 To 3 chk = False tr = CL(0, i) + W(j, 0) tc = CL(1, i) + W(j, 1) 'Check if coordinates are less than 1 or larger than 255 If tr < 0 Or tc < 0 Or tr > UBound(Rng, 1) - 1 Or tc > UBound(Rng, 2) - 1 Then chk = True Else 'Check if new coordinates already exist on the closed list On Error Resume Next If C(tr, tc) = "C" Then chk = True If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox tr & " " & tc Exit Sub End If 'Check if coordinate is a wall If Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = 1 Then chk = True If O(tr, tc) = "O" Then chk = True 'Calculate G, H and N If G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 < G(tr, tc) Then G(tr, tc) = G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 H(tr, tc) = Abs(tr - E(0)) + Abs(tc - E(1)) N(tr, tc) = G(tr, tc) + H(tr, tc) End If End If 'Check if coordinate is NOT on the Open list or Closed list or is a wall If chk = False Then 'Add coordinates to open list O(tr, tc) = "O" OL(0, UBound(OL, 2)) = tr OL(1, UBound(OL, 2)) = tc ReDim Preserve OL(UBound(OL, 1), UBound(OL, 2) + 1) 'Calculate G, H and N G(tr, tc) = G(CL(0, i), CL(1, i)) + 1 H(tr, tc) = Abs(tr - E(0)) + Abs(tc - E(1)) N(tr, tc) = G(tr, tc) + H(tr, tc) 'Check if cell is End If Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "E" Then Echk = True End If End If Next j Next i 'Remove all values in closed list ReDim CL(0 To 1, 0) 'Find cell(s) in the open list that has the smallest N and add those to the closed list 'Find a value for Nchk If Echk <> True Then For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If OL(0, i) <> "" Then Nchk = N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) Exit For End If Next i 'Find smallest N For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If OL(1, i) <> "" Then If N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) < Nchk And N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) <> "" Then Nchk = N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) End If End If Next i 'Add cell(s) from open list that has the lowest N, to closed list Eend = False For i = LBound(OL, 2) To UBound(OL, 2) If i <= UBound(OL, 2) Then On Error GoTo 0 If OL(0, i) <> "" Then If N(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) = Nchk Then Eend = True If CL(0, 0) <> "" Then ReDim Preserve CL(UBound(CL, 1), UBound(CL, 2) + 1) C(OL(0, i), OL(1, i)) = "C" CL(0, UBound(CL, 2)) = OL(0, i) OL(0, i) = "" CL(1, UBound(CL, 2)) = OL(1, i) OL(1, i) = "" 'Remove blank values in open list For j = i To UBound(OL, 2) - 1 OL(0, j) = OL(0, j + 1) OL(1, j) = OL(1, j + 1) Next j ReDim Preserve OL(UBound(OL, 1), UBound(OL, 2) - 1) End If End If End If Next i If Eend = False Then MsgBox "There is no free path" Exit Sub End If End If Loop 'Build final path tr = E(0) tc = E(1) Schk = False Do Until Schk = True If C(tr + 1, tc) = "C" _ And (Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) <> "1") _ Then Gv(0) = G(tr + 1, tc) If C(tr, tc + 1) = "C" _ And (Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) <> "1") _ Then Gv(1) = G(tr, tc + 1) If C(tr - 1, tc) = "C" _ And (Rng(tr, tc + 1) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr, tc + 1) <> "1") _ Then Gv(2) = G(tr - 1, tc) If C(tr, tc - 1) = "C" _ And (Rng(tr + 1, tc) <> "W" _ And Rng(tr + 1, tc) <> "1") _ Then Gv(3) = G(tr, tc - 1) 'Find smallest G For j = 0 To 3 If Gv(j) <> "" Then Nf = Gv(j) Next j For j = 0 To 3 If Gv(j) < Nf And Gv(j) <> "" Then Nf = Gv(j) Next j Select Case Nf Case Gv(0) tr = tr + 1 Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(1) tc = tc + 1 Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(2) tr = tr - 1 Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" Case Gv(3) tc = tc - 1 Rng(tr + 1, tc + 1) = "W" End Select If Rng(tr + 2, tc + 1) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr + 1, tc + 2) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr, tc + 1) = "S" _ Or Rng(tr + 1, tc) = "S" Then Schk = True Loop Range("Area") = Rng Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
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Thank you but the idea is not mine. The A * algorithm is used in many computer games.
It is a very interesting technique and I believe I can make my macro run a lot quicker with some minor changes.
A quicker A * pathfinding algorithm
Nice explanation :) Here are some other visualizations with extra info, helping to better understand A* (along with forkeable examples):